Thursday 15 March 2018

New Mexico Infrastructure Overview

New Mexico Infrastructure Overview
While the nation’s infrastructure earned a “D+” in the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, New Mexico faces infrastructure challenges of its own. For example, driving on roads in need of repair in New Mexico costs each driver $594 per year, and 6.5% of bridges are rated structurally deficient. Drinking water needs in New Mexico are an estimated $1.16 billion, and wastewater needs total $320 million. 167 dams are considered to be high-hazard potential. The state’s schools have an estimated capital expenditure gap of $407 million. This deteriorating infrastructure impedes New Mexico’s ability to compete in an increasingly global marketplace. Success in a 21st century economy requires serious, sustained leadership on infrastructure investment at all levels of government. Delaying these investments only escalates the cost and risks of an aging infrastructure system, an option that the country, New Mexico, and families can no longer afford. Report from The Infrastructure Report Card


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