Wednesday 14 March 2018

Airport Infrastructure gets a D report card by ASCE

In the Infrastructure Report Card by ASCE

​RECOMMENDATIONS TO RAISE THE GRADE  Permanent extension and increase of user fees to adequately fund the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) through the Airport and Airway Trust Fund (Trust Fund). Such funds should not be used to pay for security costs, but specifically used for airport capacity, air traffic, and airport maintenance and improvement.  Continue the practice that all monies collected from these user fees be deposited in the Trust Fund with budgetary firewalls to eliminate the diversion of transportation revenues from non-airport capacity, air traffic and maintenance and improvement purposes.  Continued and accelerated implementation of the Next-Gen air traffic control system.  Congress must timely enact multi-year re-authorizations of aviation programs to ensure predictability and stability in airport improvement funding.  Remove the federally-imposed cap on Passenger Facility Charges (PFCs) to allow airports a tool to invest in their own facilities.  Funding for security measure must not impact needed infrastructure funding.  Explore innovative third-party funding such as privatization, public private partnerships and others.


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