via IMakeAmerica
It's not called the Other Four-Year Degree’ for nothing. Registered Apprenticeships train American workers for safe, successful, and lifelong careers to REBUILD America. #NAW2020 #ApprenticeshipWeek #InfrastructureNow
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 12, 2020
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 11, 2020
YES! Apprenticeships REBUILD America!
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 11, 2020
Upkeep of critical infrastructure is being neglected across the country as roads, bridges, & railroads age.
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 11, 2020
21.8% of roads are in poor condition
7.6% of bridges are in need of replacement or repair
4.8 derailments for every 100 miles of track
"For decades, union apprenticeships have provided a debt-free path to family-sustaining careers. Now, union apprenticeships will be more important than ever in getting Americans back to work." ??
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 10, 2020
Read more from @whyy ⬇️ #NAW2020 #apprenticeshipweek
These men and women are trained, skilled and ready to REBUILD America. #NAW2020 #InfrastructureNow
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 9, 2020
Looking for latest election results? Click the link below for updates??
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 4, 2020
Remember: stay in line! #vote #infrastructurenow
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 3, 2020
We need to be building bridges, not blocking them.
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 3, 2020
VOTE TODAY for leaders who will REBUILD America TOMORROW??#NoMoreBrokenPromises
"By ignoring that infrastructure, we’ve dug ourselves into a hole. It’s time to support leaders who can dig us out."
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 3, 2020
VOTE to ReBuild America TODAY.??#NoMoreBrokenPromises #InfrastructureNow
America's workers are tired of broken promises. We are ready to REBUILD. #InfrastructureNow
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 3, 2020
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 3, 2020
America needs leaders who will REBUILD our infrastructure and our communities. #InfrastructureNOW #NoMoreBrokenPromises
"Trump has let PA's unions, workers, and families down. All of his promises on a strong economy that prioritizes the worker never materialized—and he’s campaigning on a failed legacy.
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 3, 2020
Pennsylvanians deserve better than four more years of Trump."
After four years of broken promises and the Trump Administration’s war on the middle class, we need an Administration who will fight for America's workers. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the right choice.#nomorebrokenpromises #InfrastructureNow
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) November 2, 2020
Trick or treat? This Halloween, we know more than ever that America’s crumbling infrastructure is downright frightening. It’s time for action, and time for a President who will REBUILD America now. We can’t afford to wait ??
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 31, 2020
#infrastructureNow #nomorebrokenpromises
Our communities desperately need #InfrastructureNow
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 29, 2020
It is time for ACTION. It is time to REBUILD America.
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 29, 2020
"From a deteriorating transit tunnel to a high-risk dam & unhealthy drinking water brought on by aging infrastructure, these 5 projects exemplify the worst case scenario of ignoring serious infrastructure issues."
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 27, 2020
Ready for action yet? #InfrastructureNow
A robust energy & infrastructure program could create millions of good-paying jobs, with nearly half of that new employment coming in manufacturing and construction — two industries that support high wages & benefits.
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 26, 2020
Time to REBUILD ?? #InfrastructureNow
We don't need any more #brokenpromises. We need a President who will ACT to REBUILD America.
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 25, 2020
"It was time to move on to somebody who has the right proposals to create the things that the Trump administration talked about doing, but never got done."
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 24, 2020
It's time for a President who will fight for America's construction workers & our communities.
“We were told and promised Trump would ‘Build America."
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 23, 2020
Where's the action? It's time we hold politicians and our elected officials accountable. Our communities can't afford to wait. #InfrastructureNow #BrokenPromises
It's not just roads and bridges that need repair...America's crumbling infrastructure affects all parts of our lives. Washington, it is time to act. #InfrastructureNow #BrokenPromises
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 22, 2020
“Two & a half years later, the promise of an infrastructure bill remains unfulfilled...there’s little evidence of any kind of deal on the horizon. " - May 2019#brokenpromises
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 12, 2020
"Cassidy became the first woman to join that union. Now, more than 20 years later, she's the first woman to be elected to the union's examining board."
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 11, 2020
Read more about this proud @UAPipeTrades member who is ready to REBUILD the USA!#DayOfTheGirl ?
The infrastructure needed to teach rural students remotely would require systemic change — it would require gov't assistance. Months into the pandemic, educators still don’t have what they need.
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 9, 2020
Our kids cannot afford to wait. #InfrastructureNow
"There’s no disputing the reality that America’s infrastructure network is central to our social and economic well-being.The only real debate to be had is over how best to fund, operate and maintain it."
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 8, 2020
Washington, time to ACT! #infrastructureNow
The months of Americans traveling less because of the pandemic have left states facing billions in shortfalls.
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) October 5, 2020
That means our infrastructure will go further into disrepair. Washington, it is time to act. America can't afford to wait. #InfrastructureNow
@aflcio: “Far too many employers are putting the lives of working people at risk. ... Find out if your employer is doing enough to keep you and your co-workers safe.”
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 29, 2020
"The tap water smells strongly of chlorine, & residents report problems with bad taste, discoloration, sediment & irritated or burning skin after bathing."
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) September 29, 2020
Welcome to Martin County, KY.
@senatemajldr, it's time to act. Your voters can't afford to wait.
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) September 28, 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic is layered atop a wider public health crisis: educational infrastructure that is in such bad condition that it threatens the health of students.
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) September 28, 2020
No more talk, it's time for ACTION. Our children's lives depend on it. #InfrastructureNow
@unionveterans Condemns #VA Secretary for Putting Politics Ahead of Vets.
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 28, 2020
“One thing they teach us in the military is to call BS when we see it, and Secretary Wilkie is full of it"-Chair Cecil Roberts.
“We can beat [Trump & McConnell] if we stand together...and get out the vote together. It’s time to fight like hell to pass the HEROES Act and pass the PRO Act! To protect Social Security! To fund the Postal Service and uphold democracy!” — @RichardTrumka
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 27, 2020
The #OPCMIA has pioneered groundbreaking, state-of-the-art virtual reality fireproofing training that can be provided at any location in a safe, cost-efficient and highly effective way. Watch GP Dan Stepano explain and demonstrate how it works.
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 26, 2020
If you’re a veteran or if you have a family member serving in the armed forces, please watch this powerful ad:
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 25, 2020
.@ASCETweets new report notes that if investment in highways, bridges and transit systems continues at current levels, businesses and households will incur about $2 trillion in extra costs over 20 years.
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) September 24, 2020
America can't afford to wait. #InfrastructureNow
Every single #OPCMIA member needs to make his or her voice heard in this election, the most important of our lifetimes. Make a plan to vote. And vote early if you can. Click here to learn all your options and decide when and how you will vote:
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 24, 2020
@APWUnational: With 91% support for USPS & people waiting for their mail across the country, warm words from the people we elect are not enough.
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 23, 2020
? At least $25 bn in COVID postal funding
? An end to DeJoy's mail delays.
☎️ Get calling, everyone!
"Our dams, bridges, public-transit networks, drinking-water systems, and energy infrastructure are falling apart."
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) September 22, 2020
Scared? Want action?
Step 1: make sure you are registered!
Step 2: VOTE!!#NationalVoterRegistrationDay
America faces 3 crises: a public health pandemic, an economic free fall, & long-standing structural racism. Working people need safe jobs, economic security & freedom from systemic racism. That’s what the HEROES Act will provide. Call your Senators today!
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 22, 2020
"More than 24 hours after Hurricane Sally made landfall, nearly $29 million of damage has been assessed to public infrastructure in Escambia County and Pensacola, but that number is likely to grow."
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) September 22, 2020
Our communities can't afford to wait. #InfrastructureNow
“Being covered by a collective bargaining does increase the chances of having medical coverage & paid sick time — benefits that are particularly important during a public health crisis — a new study finds.”
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 21, 2020
The #OPCMIA mourns the loss of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a great leader who changed the course of history and opened doors of opportunity to millions. We urge our leaders to observe her final wish and continue her lifelong legacy of relentlessly blazing new trails to justice.
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 20, 2020
Save $$$ every month with the AT&T Signature Program! Learn how union members get exclusive discounts on wireless >>
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 20, 2020
@AFLCIO NEW: As Labor Day approaches and economic conditions in the U.S. remain tenuous, Americans' 65% approval of labor unions is once again the highest it has been since 2003. #1u
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 19, 2020
Joe Biden and #OPCMIA Local 797 member/Business Agent Pablo Leos. #teamjoe #opcmia4joe via @FacebookWatch
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 18, 2020
In contrast with union members, unorganized workers “have been forced to work without protective gear; many have no access to paid sick leave; and when workers have spoken up about health and safety concerns, they have been fired.” —@EconomicPolicy #1u
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 18, 2020
COVID-19 makes unions even more valuable. “...unionized workers have been able to secure enhanced safety measures, additional premium pay, paid sick time, & a say in the terms of furloughs or work-share arrangements to save jobs.” —@EconomicPolicy #1u
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 17, 2020
"COVID-19 has forced much of American life online, and pushed many North Carolinians to a breaking point. The fault lines in the Digital Divide have deepened, leaving much of rural North Carolina on the disconnected side of the chasm."#InfrastructureNOW
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) September 17, 2020
@NABTU_TWBN: Tune in on October 17, for our first ever VIRTUAL Tradeswomen Build Nations!
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 16, 2020
More information coming soon ??
Deficient roads cost drivers $6 billion annually due to wear and tear on vehicles, wasted fuel due to congestion, & the overall cost of crashes.
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) September 15, 2020
? more ➡️
“Infrastructure is a bridge to the future, as it creates jobs so people can start and raise families, build stronger communities and boost local economies.” We couldn’t agree more! #infrastructureNow
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 15, 2020
Americans cannot afford to wait. Our lives and our future are at risk. Washington, let's go. #infrastructureNow #RebuildBetter
— ReBuildUSA (@ReBuildUSANow) September 15, 2020