Wednesday 14 February 2018

OPCMIA local 577 Denver completed OSHA 10 training for their cement masons today. #getyousomeunion

The plasterers and cement masons union in Denver Colorado local 577 finished the second day of their two day training of OSHA 10 for construction. This is a two day safety training class that was designed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to train the workforce to learn to recognize job site hazards and correct them making for a safer workplace. This group of guys was fun to be with as we did our training. Questions were asked and as a group we discussed possible answers and outcomes. There are several parts of the OSHA 10 training for construction including an introduction to OSHA and focus four hazard training including falls, electrocution hazard‘s, caught in between hazards, and struck by hazards. There were several other topics we covered and at the end of the second day the guys felt like they learned a lot and knew better how to be safe on the job site. Now they can take pride in being more knowledgeable about safety issues. Good job guys.


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